Posts tagged “tree

Water’s Edge

Take Me Home

Lone Crow

Home on the Range

Fortress at Midnight

The Old Oak Tree

Too Tired to Give a Hoot

Light in the Garden

Spring has Sprung

Swamp Scenery

Sea Fog

Film Noir

When it comes to personal work I have been shooting good old-fashioned analog film a lot lately. Way more than digital. Almost all black and white and all with a variety of antique cameras: medium format, 35mm, and Polaroid. I finally had some time yesterday to scan several weeks worth of negatives and Polaroid prints so for the next week or two I will be posting some of the highlights here for you. Today’s entry was taken with a medium format camera at dusk in the park near where I live.

The Cottage and the Spooky Tree

I just developed another roll of film from the 1966 Mamiya. The negatives look terrific. This is the first scan from the roll.

Night Light

The Golden Hour

Moon in the Moss

I’ve been working virtually nonstop on assignments for clients for the last few weeks and haven’t done much shooting just for myself. I stopped the other night on the way home from a location shoot and took a few minutes to just chill out and take a few snapshots of the full moon rising into a hazy night sky.

The Beautiful Bane of My Existence

It’s pollen season again and as you can see in this photo that I took in some lovely storm light the other day the trees around here are full of it. I am terribly allergic to oak tree pollen so being in a place like this with a camera is a double-edged sword in my case. It can be beautiful to look at and photograph but it can also make me miserable at the same time.

Late Fall

Around here the seasons can be very confusing, even for the trees. This is the same tree as yesterday’s post, different branch, photographed a few seconds after the other. The tree can’t seem to decide if it’s early spring or late fall right now.

Winter Moon

I never pass up an opportunity to photograph the moon when it has a ring around it. I saw this ring last night so I grabbed a camera and strolled out into the neighborhood to find a good vantage point to shoot it. I don’t know why, but ever since I was a child I was fascinated with the phenomenon of lunar halos and now I’m happy that I have the means to capture their special beauty and share.

Sail Away

Posting something for mom here today.

Fairy Tale Tree

Night Mist

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

Glass bottles in a glass window with a perfect background. I love finding things like this with my camera.


The direction of light on this tree and it’s placement with respect to the adobe wall made me stop in my tracks as I was walking by. Using adobe as a background in compositions is one of my favorite things to do.