Posts tagged “color

Seaside Summer Sunset

Green is the Color of the Swamp in Summer

Water Color

Color Coordinated Honey Bee

Autumn Afternoon

Water Color

Light and Shadow, Color and Contrast

Cell Phone Camera to the Rescue

On a recent occasion when I was out shooting just for myself I was on a mission to simply shoot some black and white images with one of my vintage 35mm film cameras. I was traveling light and it was the only “real” camera I had with me. I sat down on this park bench to take a break and this seed pod laying on the bench next to me caught my eye. I knew right away that I wanted a color photo of the scene and so the camera in my phone saved the day.

A Little Spot of Color

Water Color

Water Color

Color and Texture

One of the reasons I love spending time in the southwest with a camera is because I love to work with color and texture and these ingredients are found together there in abundance.

Simply Perfect

Bold colors and simple geometry are things that I truly enjoy combining in basic yet strong compositions. The end result may look very simple – and that’s exactly my intention, but it actually took some time and effort once I spotted the elements to make it work. Anyone watching me changing lenses and crawling around on the ground to find the right position and angle might have thought I was slightly nuts but this type of image really agrees with my personal artistic sensibilities. So for me it was worth the work and I really don’t mind what anyone who saw me lying in the dirt might have thought.

A Day With Sunshine

Just a bright bit of color that caught my eye in my kitchen yesterday.

Down on the Ground

Whenever I walk through the woods and swamps with a camera I stay on the lookout for fallen maple leaves. They never fail to provide vibrant subject matter.