Posts tagged “architecture


The Future is Now

Walking Away

Promenade – Double Exposure

Architectural Study – Polaroid

Blinded by the Light

Sunshine in the City

Reflection Intersection

Corridor Panorama

Don’t let looks fool you, that is not a door.

Another Magazine Cover

Another Cover Shot

Angles and Curves

My Latest Magazine Cover

Latest Magazine Cover

This image was taken with my remote-operated, elevated pole camera system.

Empty Spaces

Monochrome Mood

I think that because all of the commercial work that I do is in color my personal work has leaning heavily toward the black and white side of the artistic spectrum. Almost all of the film I’ve been running through the antique cameras lately has been black and white. That means that here in my journal where I primarily display personal work there will be plenty more monochrome images to come.

Walk This Way

Effective today I am disabling comments on posts here. Spam comments have now reached 600+ daily and it’s a big waste of my time sifting through and deleting them.

Old is New Again

I put my ancient Polaroid SX-70 back into service this week with a pack of black and white film. I have been feeling the urge to get creative with some of my old gear and this is where I started. The shutter on the camera lags right now from lack of use and tends to overexpose the images. Additionally the internal mirror has years of dust accumulated on it and I deliberately did not clean it. The combination of the dirty mirror and the inaccurate shutter makes for some very unique images. They come straight out of the camera with a beautiful vintage look that otherwise would take a lot of work to create using a digital camera and software. Here are the very first usable images that I’ve produced with it since pulling it off the shelf along with a look at the camera, a work of art in its own right.

My Newest Magazine Cover

Cinderella has Left the Building

This is the ballroom inside of a home I photographed this week.

Old School Man-Cave

A Peek Inside

A look at the interior of the home I posted a twilight photo of here yesterday.

A Quiet Evening at Home

Another Inviting Swimming Pool

This home was one of my assignments to shoot this week. I always try to find interesting angles to shoot with swimming pools and this home provided me with nice perspectives.