Posts tagged “lightning

High Voltage Summer Night

Thunderstorm, Gulf of Mexico

Storm Season Continues

It’s Storm Season

Last Night’s Thunderstorm

Tendrils of Light

Electrical Outburst

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night

Lightning Strike

Afternoon Storm

Stormy Weather

Offshore Thunderstorm

Storm Over the Bay – Infrared

A Flash in the Dark

Lightning at the Lake

Chain Lightning

I was driving home from a location shoot through this storm the other evening and just after sunset the rain eased up enough for me to decide to pull off the highway, jump out of the truck, and snap a few shots. I managed to get a few decent shots and then all at once  just as if it had been synchronized in some way,  it got dark, the lightning diminished greatly in frequency signalling the end of the storm, and the mosquitoes discovered me. I called it quits and hit the highway for home. This is actually the very last frame I shot before I left.

The Artist’s Beach Cottage

I was photographing a beach cottage last night that is owned by an artist who is well known for his glass and ceramic works. A thunderstorm positioned itself in front of the cottage as night fell so I went out onto the dunes to capture the scene. This is the resulting image.

Blast From the Past

I ran across this image while digging through some old material for a project this past weekend and set it aside to post here. I haven’t processed many lightning images in black and white but this looked like it had the right inherent contrast to make it work.