Posts tagged “autumn

The Long and Winding Road

Going way back in the archives for today’s image. Original exposure shot on Ektachrome slide film 20 years ago.

Late Fall

Around here the seasons can be very confusing, even for the trees. This is the same tree as yesterday’s post, different branch, photographed a few seconds after the other. The tree can’t seem to decide if it’s early spring or late fall right now.

On the River Bank

A nice spot for an autumn stroll along the Rio Grande.

Indian Summer

A Little Touch of Autumn

High Country Autumn

I love it when I can be among the aspens when they start to turn color.

Follow Me

Whenever I find myself on a road like this I hear the siren song in my head beckoning me each time I turn a corner to keep going to the next turn, and then the next, and the next…

Paint a Picture of the Forest

Just found this pic while working on a project last night. This a rare photo that I made with an old point and shoot camera that I keep handy in my console for quick shots and fun shots. No, the effect didn’t come from Photoshop. This was from a series of shots that I made by setting a slow shutter on the camera and holding it against the window while driving fast on a winding mountain road.

Underwater Scene

These colorful leaves were lying beneath the water on the bottom of a crystal clear mountain stream.

Outdoor Carpeting

I very much prefer to have this underfoot instead of asphalt or concrete when I’m outside.